═══ 1. Help for PMVKPROC V2.1 ═══ Help ═══ 1.1. PMVKPROC - General Help ═══ The PMVKPROC utility lists all processes runnning in the system under OS/2 and also gives some general information about system variables. The informations are explained in detail in the help later. First some informations about the API call which are used. To query the process information the undocumented API DosQProcStatus function is used - therefore its stability is in question because IBM could change or remove this API without telling anyone. But this API stayed the same for a long time....(certainly since 1993). To kill a process the call DosKillProcess ist used. Unfortunately there are some processes which cannot be killed with the DosKillProcess funktion of the operating system. I don't know why. To get the informations about the system variables the call DosQuerySysInfo is used. The main window contains only push buttons which should be used to get the informations:  General information button  Process information button  Exit button The PMVKPROC utility is a fully functional shareware version. Support shareware by sending $10 after a test period of 14 days to: Frank Stanischewski Elise-Spaeth-Strasse 17 D-91058 Erlangen Germany (C) 1996 Frank Stanischewski ═══ 1.1.1. Exit button ═══ Use this button to leave PMVKPROC. Bye. ═══ 1.1.2. Process information window ═══ Use this window to query information about running processes. For information, see:  Processes listbox  Process info listbox  Push buttons ═══ 1.1.3. Processes listbox ═══ This list box displays all processes which are currently running. The processes are listed with their full name. The parent-child relationship between the processes is shown by indenting the child process one character. For example \os2\pmshell.exe \os2\cmd.exe \os2\epm.exe The processes cmd.exe and epm.exe are childs of pmshell.exe. so cmd.exe and epm.exe are siblings. To get more information on one of the processes doubleclick one of them. The you will more information in the process info listbox. ═══ 1.1.4. Process info listbox ═══ This box shows the detail informations of a process which is selected before in the processes listbox. The informations are:  Process name  Process ID  Process priority  Parent process name  Threads: - Number of threads of the process - Thread ID (process related), Thread System ID (system related), Thread priority  Modules: - Number of modules of the process - Module names ═══ 1.1.5. Push buttons ═══  Refresh Use this button to refresh the information in the processes and process info listbox.  Kill Use this button to kill the process selected in the processes listbox.  Kill Use this button to show details of the process selected in the processes listbox.  Close Use this button to close the process information window.  Help Displays help for the process information window. ═══ 1.1.6. General information window ═══ Use this window to query information about system variables. For information about the listbox and the push buttons, see:  General info listbox  Push buttons This displays information about system varaibles. Most of the show variables are static. That means they are set in the CONFIG.SYS file or are detected during the startup procedure of OS/2. No static variable are marked. The variables are grouped in four parts:  Parallel processes Sessions in PM mode Maximum number of PM mode sessions. Sessions in text mode Maximum number of text mode sessions. Sessions in DOS mode Maximum number of DOS mode sessions.  Time slice Smallest time slice Minimum time slice in milliseconds. Biggest time slice Maximum time slice in milliseconds. Max. delay time Maximum wait in seconds. System timer interval Timer interval in thenths of a millisecond.  Memory System page size Memory page size in bytes. This value is 4096 for the 386/486/586 processor. Physical memory Total number of bytes of physical memory in the system. Resident memory Total number of bytes of resident memory in the system. Memory for all processes Maximum number of bytes of memory that can be allocated by all processes in the system. This number is advisory and is not guaranteed, since system conditions change constantly. Memory for private arena Maximum number of bytes of memory that a process can allocate in its private arena. This number is adviroy and is not guaranteed, since system conidtions change constantly. Memory for shared arena Maximum number of bytes of memory that a process can allocate in its shared arena. This number is adviroy and is not guaranteed, since system conidtions change constantly.  Path length Length of path Maximum length, in bytes, of a path name. Length of part in path Maximum length, in bytes, of one component in a path name. ═══ 1.1.7. General info listbox ═══ This box shows information about system variables. See for more information. ═══ 1.1.8. Push buttons ═══  Refresh Use this button to refresh the information in the general info listbox.  Close Use this button to close the general information window.  Help Displays help for the general information window.